Accommodation is generally expensive in Japan but cheap rooms can be found with a little perseverance.
The type of cheap accommodation that you seek out in Japan will depend whether you are traveling in a group, a couple or alone, and on how you are traveling. For example campsites are cheap, but in some instances they are only accessible by hitchhiking (unless you have your own transport).
Traveling around as a couple, our mainstays were cheap business hotels in the cities, and camping in the countryside. However, our most memorable nights were spent in traditional Japanese accommodation such as Minshuku. These may not always be cheapest option but are worthwhile for truly experiencing Japan. For a list of our recommended Japanese guesthouses, go to our budget guesthouses page.
The following list links to the sections of this website on the different budget accommodation options. Obviously, the more nights you can spend in the very cheap or free accommodation, the more money you will save!
Summary of budget accommodation options
Good Value
Good Value for a couple
Very Cheap
- Camping
- Internet Cafes
- Rider’s Houses
- Overnight on buses or trains
- Camping Rough
- Couch Surfing
- Volunteering with a WWOOF Host (You have to work a little for your board when Volunteering of course)